Monday, December 8, 2008

Question #31

Dear Answer Girl,
This is Scared. I tried to tell her I didn't want to be her friend anymore. But she didn't listen she won't ever listen. She just told me that she didn't mean all the things she said. She even said, ' I don't want to hear you i don't want you and I don't want to see your UGLY face. Please help.

Dear Scared,
I don't think that was the best move. Maybe you should apologize. That might make things better. From now on, I think you should try to be VERY nice to her and try to include her in things you do when she's around. Maybe after a while she'll stop trying SO hard to be accepted.
Answer Girl

Monday, November 24, 2008

Question #30

Dear Answer Girl,
Scared is back. I had another problem with that girl. I went to a fall retreat on the weekend and she was there. She always is " Miss Center of Attention" And that is what she got attention. Well she got so much attention because she blammed almost everything on me. She also made me look bad in front of the whole camp. She declaed me her "Ex best friend" I am very happy. But my mom says I schould feel bad . I don't want to be her friend so Schould I feel bad or keep feeling the same way?

Dear Scared,
Friends are good things. But there is the saying "to have good friends you have to be a good friend". Obviously your friend is not a good friends...logically she shouldn't deserve to have good friends, like you. But the Christain thing to do would be to reach out to her. Maybe schedule a Bible Study with just her, and ask her to forgive you for anything you might have done to make her mad. Read her verses. Call her your friend. This girl obviously needs a good influence in her life and you can be one. If you don't feel bad...don't feel guilty. Pray and ask God. Remember, he's the one orchastrating this. God put you and your "miss center of attention" together. He has a future and a hope for both of you. I'll be praying for you.
Answer Girl

Friday, November 14, 2008

Question #29

sCARED said...
Dear Answer girl it is ounce again Scared. My birthday party is this Friday ( it is also my real birthday) and I envited that same friend. I only did it because I thought it would be nice. I am trying to be very nice. I am inviting a lot of girls and I want to spend time with all of them. But that one girl wants to hog me and not share me. What schould I do? My mom has talked to her mom though. Please pray that this will go well.

Dear Scared,
I was there at your birthday party and no major diasters happened. Happy for you and hoped you had a great birthday. I will continue to pray for your friend - and for you.
The Answer Girl

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Today's Praise for Ask Away

Thank you for helping me I proable won't have any more problems till Sunday the day I see her. Thank you very,very much. Your someone I can count on to help me

Glad to help! (As you remember, I have been helping "scared" for some time now.)
Answer Girl

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Penpal Matchup #4

Thanks for Cory. She is sweet and wonderfull.
fanny from Rhode Island

Cory from California said...
you rock answer girl. thanks for fanny and for all you do for people.
Cory from California

You are very welcome.
Signing Off,
Answer Girl

Question #28

Dear answer girl,
this is Scared again. Thank you for your great advice. I will try to do what you said but it may not work. I have another problem. it is about the same friend. I don't wan't her to come to my birthday party but I am afraid if I don't invite her she might get mad at me and hate me if I don't. She says I am her only friend she has, but she is booting my out of her life. I try to help but she hates it. She does not now really how to be a great friend. I am very worried about her please help.

Dear Scared,
If you don't want her to come to your party you have a right not to invite her. At this point you definately need to tell your parents or her parents. This is beyond just 'annoying'. This girl is abusing you with her words and scaring you and it NEEDS to stop. Tell her if you want to be friends then she'll stop being mean. I'm sorry. Ask any other questions if you need any extra help.
Signing Off,
The Answer Girl

Monday, September 1, 2008

Question #27

Dear Answer girl,
A couple months ago I sent in a problem from Scared. It was about camp. Now the same girl who I was talking about in qustion 24 Won't STOP Asking me about coming over.If I ask her to stop asking me to come over she gets really Mad She dragges me into the nursery in church when I am in the middle of talking to my other friends. She won't let me go back to what I was doing, and If I do she says I am dumb or a jerk or some thing hurtful I am very sared and I don't know what to do. Please help me again. Your advice was great about camp
Thank you scared!

Dear Scared,
Happy to help again but very sorry this friend keeps bothering you. Tell her "Listen, if you want to be my friend this is not the way you should do it. In fact, when you do this it just makes me upset and angry. Please don't pull me away from my friends. If you keep calling me names and dragging me around I will tell my parents. I'm sorry, but I just don't understand what you want. It is my choice to have other friends. I don't belong to you!" This girl is very rude and I think that you need to tell her parents or just plain ignore her. I am so sorry you have to deal with this! If you need more advice just ask another question.
The Answer Girl

Friday, August 15, 2008

Question #26

What is the best way to get tight abs?
Ab Man

Dear Ab Man,
Just go to this website and it should help. 
Answer Girl

Penpal Matchup #3

thank you so much answer girl for matching me up with Ty. 
Lenard from Texas

Lenard is awesome. Thanks alot and keep signing off!
Ty from Montana

You're welcome! I will keep posting I promise!
Answer Girl

Question #25

My boyfriend says microfiber gives you cancer.

Dear Scammed,
As far as I know, NO! Why would manufactures sell it if it did? That would be against the law. If you ever feel scammed again you can usually find the answer at 
Answer Girl

Question #24

Dear answer girl 
i have a problem. i have this friend who is really nice! But when I went to camp she turned away. She stole lots things from me, and from other girls. I am very scared. Please try to help.

Dear Scared,
Have you tried talking to her? If she won't listen to you, or listen to apologies, rip up your letters or discard your emails I think you should let it go. If it goes too far tell your parents. Make sure she doesn't steal anything big. Demand she gives them back. Tell your parents by all means if she won't give you back anything very valuable. If you can talk to her, ask her why she is mad and apologize for anything you might have done to make her mad. If you can't get through to her let it go. Don't hang all over her or follow her like a lost puppy dog. That might be what she wants. If she is willing to do something as mean as what she did she doesn't deserve your attention. Find a new friend. And make sure you don't blame yourself. If you have any more problems with this just ask again and I'll try to help.
I Tried to Help! Signed,
Answer Girl

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Question #23

Dear Answer Girl,
I have this ugly scar from a car accident on my forehead. I wear my hair in my face to cover it. I'm not interested in girls but one named Carly P but this other girl named Jessie Q hangs all over my, saying my loves my "emo" hair. Just when she does that, Carly walks by and acts really disappointed. I'm not even emo! Do I stop wearing my hair this way?
Not Emo

Dear N. Emo,
If you are ashamed of your scar, wear a kind of 'makeup' that covers scars. If that makes you feel 'girly' keep wearing your hair emo (ha, ha) and tell Jessie politely you don't enjoy her hanging on you. Maybe tell Carly how you feel?
Answer Girl

Question #22

Dear Answer Girl,
I am obssessed with polar bears. My friends think they're ugly. Everyone else thinks I'm weird. I have a polar bear backpack, a polar bear keychain set, polar bear clothing, etc. How can I show the other kids they're cool?
Polar Girl

Dear Polar Girl,
You know those dumb animal reports you have to do? Do the polar bear and say stuff like, "Although some people think polar bears are ugly, they are majestic and strong animals. A polar bear uses his claws to...." etc. You know! Show the other kids they're cool. And enjoy lovin' polar bears!
Answer Girl

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Random Penpal Match #2

The Answer Girl,

I now have a new penpal named Nemm. She told me about how she got her name and we are best of buds now! We have hugely compatable personalities!


Brenda from Kansas

Dear Answer Girl,

Brenda is smart and we like alot of the same things. Thanks so much for matching us!

Nemm from Kentucky

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Random Penpal Match #1

Dear AG
I now have a penpal and her name is Lori. She is funny, smart, and lives closeby. Thanks so much for matching us up! We've exchanged several letters already!
Kristen from Lousiana

Dear Answer Girl,
Thanks for my penpal! Her name is Kristen. I couldn't have asked for a better penpal.
Thanks again!
Lori from Lousiana

The Answer Girl

Penpal Matchup Closed!

Dear Fans,
Today the penpal matchup was closed, and I am happy to report there are 35 pairs of penpals happily writing to each other. However, there was a girl and boy left over, and I am not matching up people of the different sex. Sorry, Jensen and Garret! And congrats to all the people who now have a penpal. If you are a boy or girl, and just now found this article, I may be still able to match you up...except Jensen or Garret, unless someone else responds. Several updates on random penpals will be supplied.
Sorry and Congrats!
The Answer Girl

Question #21

The Infamous Answer Girl,
My brother is always bossing me around. How can I get him to stop?
Being Bossed

Dear Bossed,
Definitely, tell your parents. If he is being physically or sexually abusive, TELL AN ADULT IMMEDIATELY! Even if he is making threats. Avoid being alone with him or talking to him until you get it worked out. If you ever find yourself in a situation where you he is being violent in ANY way, and you can't get away, try to call 911! If it's just little things, like, "make me lunch" or "feed the dog" or even "clean my room or else!" tell your parents. It's not the end of the world!
Answer Girl

Question #20

Dear Answer Girl,
I really like mystery books. Are there any good series you know of that a 12 year old would enjoy?
Book Worm

Dear Book W.,
Of course! For starters, the Nancy Drew series. I loved those! Also there is the Boxcar Children - a great series to read with a younger sibling (they are a little below your reading level). 'Course, there are tons of websites you can go to and look up mystery series for kids your age. Ask your local librarian and she could probably help.
Happy book hunting!
Answer Girl

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Listen Up! A Pen Pal Matchup!

Hey, All my faith fans! To commemorate when we hit Question #25, I'm going to be giving each person who emails me at a match up! Yes, a penpal matchup. Just send in your email, first name only, state you live in and your interests, and I'll match you with someone. So hurry up - only twenty six people will get matched up!

The Answer Girl

Happy 25th Question!

Question #20

Dear A.G.
How could one get ones parents to trust them?
With Desperation,
Un-trusted and Sick of It

Dear Un-trusted,
As my mom always says, "Have you given them reason not to trust you?" Are you being truthful, honest and obeying them? I'm sure if you just do this they'll trust you after a bit.
Answer Girl

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Question #19

Dear Answer Girl,
They is this rumor floating around my school that I smoke. I’m afraid I’m really going to get in trouble, but it’s not true!Please, please, help!

Dear Non-Smoker,
Wow, steep question. If you're afraid it's going to waft over to your parents, you can tell them ahead of time. There is not much you can do about rumors. Just wait it out and if someone asks you about it, just tell them the truth.
Answer Girl

Question #18

Whats Up Answer Girl?
I really don’t know what I want to do with my life. I’m sorta good at math and I like animals. Any suggestions?
With Confusion,
Needing Direction in Life

Dear Direction,
I don't know if you're a boy or a girl, but if you're a girl, you could just be a wife and mother! If you're a guy, you could be a scientist or a physicist. Or if you don't mind some nitty-gritty stuff you could be a vet or a vet's assistant. Tough question!
Answer Girl

Question #17

Answer Lady,
How can I make popular friends? I just moved and I want to hit it off alright.
First Impressionist

Dear Impressionist,
Hey, I know I'm going to sound like a Mom, but popularity isn't everything! And most of the time, popular kids aren't going to be real good friends. They're conditioned to use and lose their "friends". I recommend you become friends with people who are like you and understand you.
Answer Girl

Today's Praise for Ask Away

hey this is cool!
--- hello cool blog!!!!

Thanks a bunch. I work hard on it!
--- The Answer Girl

Question #16

Hey Answer Girl,
I want to start a blog for free. Is this blog-spot thing free? And how could I promote my blog, if I get one?
Thank you,
Future Blogger

Dear F. Blogger,
Yes, the blogspot thing is free. And - if you're over eighteen - you can actually make money off them! It's called adsense. To start a blog, just go to and click begin blog. Then fill out the survey and you can begin blogging right away! From there, you can get a help group to help you figure out some blog promoting spots. Hope I helped!
Answer Girl

Question #15

Answer Girl,
Do you know where I could get information for a paper on Albert Einstein?

Dear Researcher,
First, I just want to say, don't go to Wikipedia! People say it's great, but any person can get on and change the text so you're writing a big joke. You can go to your library and ask a librarian, or you can go to This is a good resource. Happy paper writing!
Answer Girl

Question #14

Dear Answer Girl,
There is this girl that I think is ridiculous. She runs around yelling loudly, hanging all over me and my guy friends and being rough. How can I tell her before she makes a fool of herself?
Hey, I just
Want to Help

Dear Want To,
This is quite a predicament! Do you be rude? Or do you be nice and not get your message across. You could always tell her parents...but isn't that like snitching? Well, if you don't want to do that, just go to her and say very politely, "I know you want male attention, but this isn't the right way to do it. Being loud and noisy and hanging all over us, well, we don't like it. Could you please stop?"
Answer Girl

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Question #13

How can I nicely tell someone to get a life!
Some Maturity, Please

Dear Maturity, Please,
First, your attitude is no way to win friends and influences. If this person is hurting you physically, get away from them, and tell an adult! Then avoid them at all costs. If it's just a kid acting like a two-year-old, say nicely, "I don't appreciate the way you are acting. It dishonors me. Please stop. Hope I helped!
The Answer Girl

Question #12

Dear Answer Girl,
My dog bites people sometimes. My Mom says if I don't get him to stop, she'll sell him. Any suggestions?
Perplexed Puppy

Dear Puppy,
Actually, my dog started biting people about a year back. Our breeder told us to take a rolled up newspaper and hit the dog on the head with it. Do it immediately, or the dog won't associate biting people with punishment. We tried putting my dog in the cage to avoid hitting my dog, Sammy, but she would quickly forget what she was "Doing Time" for. Punishment needs to be quick and painful. Sure enough, after we followed the breeder's instructions, Sammy stopped biting, and we didn't sell her. She hasn't bit anyone since!
Answer Girl

Today's Praise for Ask Away!

Hey thank for all you do for people, answering there questions and all.

Just doing what I know best!
--- Answer Girl

Question #11

Answer Girl,
What kind of dog is best for someone who lives in an apartment, wants a calm dog who doesn't bark much, and that doesn't shed at all?
Match Me Up

Dear Match Me Up,
I'm glad you want to get a dog! I recommend you get a dog from a shelter or a pound. But what kind of dog? Toy poodles are nice, although they are not the brightest. But they're lovable, easily adapt, don't shed and become attached to you. However, they will probably need professional grooming every couple of months. I'm not a dog expert, however, and I'd probably need to know if you have kids, how much time you are willing to spend grooming or exercising your dogs. Another good choice is the King Charles Cavalier Spaniel.
Hope I helped at all!
Answer Girl

Question #10

Dear Answer Girl,
How can I create healthy buying habits?
Want 2 B Healthy Buyer

Dear Want 2 B,
This is a great thing to want! First, you can begin a bank account. Start putting money in it, and only take out, say, 25% to go shopping monthly. That'll mean the more in your account, the more you can spend! Reward yourself with an extra couple of bucks every time you do it right.
Answer Girl

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Today's Praise for Ask Away!

I love your website and your advice. I'm telling all my friends about it!

Thanks! I love having feedback from my "fans".
---Answer Girl

Question #9

Dear Answer Girl,
I like this guy, but he's always acting all obnoxious in class and shoots spit wads and acts like a baby. What do I do?
Victim of Immaturity

Dear Victim,
Who says he's acting?
Answer Girl

Friday, January 11, 2008

Question 8

Dear Answer Girl,
I really like Webkinz! I have a new Webkinz pet and it's awesome, but I'm afraid I'm spending too much time on it. Do you have any suggestions on how to manage my time?
Webkinz Girl

Dear Webkinz Girl,
I have a Webkinz, too. Aren't they awesome? But, of course, too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. Try setting aside thirty or forty-five minutes to play Webkinz a day, then use the rest to do other things. I hope I've been some help!
Answer Girl