Friday, November 14, 2008

Question #29

sCARED said...
Dear Answer girl it is ounce again Scared. My birthday party is this Friday ( it is also my real birthday) and I envited that same friend. I only did it because I thought it would be nice. I am trying to be very nice. I am inviting a lot of girls and I want to spend time with all of them. But that one girl wants to hog me and not share me. What schould I do? My mom has talked to her mom though. Please pray that this will go well.

Dear Scared,
I was there at your birthday party and no major diasters happened. Happy for you and hoped you had a great birthday. I will continue to pray for your friend - and for you.
The Answer Girl

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Answer Girl,

Scared is back. I had another problem with that girl. I went to a fall retreat on the weekend and she was there. She always is " Miss Center of Attention" And that is what she got attention. Well she got so much attention because she blammed almost everything on me. She also made me look bad in front of the whole camp. She declaed me her "Ex best friend" I am very happy. But my mom says I schould feel bad . I don't want to be her friend so Schould I feel bad or keep feeling the same way? Scared