Saturday, May 24, 2008

Question #20

Dear Answer Girl,
I really like mystery books. Are there any good series you know of that a 12 year old would enjoy?
Book Worm

Dear Book W.,
Of course! For starters, the Nancy Drew series. I loved those! Also there is the Boxcar Children - a great series to read with a younger sibling (they are a little below your reading level). 'Course, there are tons of websites you can go to and look up mystery series for kids your age. Ask your local librarian and she could probably help.
Happy book hunting!
Answer Girl

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear answer girl. I have a problem I have this friend who is really nice! But when I went to camp she turned angry. She stole lots of things from me, and other girls. I am very scared . Please try to help. Scared