Thursday, July 31, 2008

Question #23

Dear Answer Girl,
I have this ugly scar from a car accident on my forehead. I wear my hair in my face to cover it. I'm not interested in girls but one named Carly P but this other girl named Jessie Q hangs all over my, saying my loves my "emo" hair. Just when she does that, Carly walks by and acts really disappointed. I'm not even emo! Do I stop wearing my hair this way?
Not Emo

Dear N. Emo,
If you are ashamed of your scar, wear a kind of 'makeup' that covers scars. If that makes you feel 'girly' keep wearing your hair emo (ha, ha) and tell Jessie politely you don't enjoy her hanging on you. Maybe tell Carly how you feel?
Answer Girl

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