Sunday, October 5, 2008

Today's Praise for Ask Away

Thank you for helping me I proable won't have any more problems till Sunday the day I see her. Thank you very,very much. Your someone I can count on to help me

Glad to help! (As you remember, I have been helping "scared" for some time now.)
Answer Girl

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Answer girl it is ounce again Scared. My birthday party is this Friday ( it is also my real birthday) and I envited that same friend. I only did it because I thought it would be nice. I am trying to be very nice. I am inviting a lot of girls and I want to spend time with all of them. But that one girl wants to hog me and not share me. What schould I do? My mom has talked to her mom though. Please pray that this will go well.