Monday, November 24, 2008

Question #30

Dear Answer Girl,
Scared is back. I had another problem with that girl. I went to a fall retreat on the weekend and she was there. She always is " Miss Center of Attention" And that is what she got attention. Well she got so much attention because she blammed almost everything on me. She also made me look bad in front of the whole camp. She declaed me her "Ex best friend" I am very happy. But my mom says I schould feel bad . I don't want to be her friend so Schould I feel bad or keep feeling the same way?

Dear Scared,
Friends are good things. But there is the saying "to have good friends you have to be a good friend". Obviously your friend is not a good friends...logically she shouldn't deserve to have good friends, like you. But the Christain thing to do would be to reach out to her. Maybe schedule a Bible Study with just her, and ask her to forgive you for anything you might have done to make her mad. Read her verses. Call her your friend. This girl obviously needs a good influence in her life and you can be one. If you don't feel bad...don't feel guilty. Pray and ask God. Remember, he's the one orchastrating this. God put you and your "miss center of attention" together. He has a future and a hope for both of you. I'll be praying for you.
Answer Girl

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Answer Girl,

This is Scared. I tried to tell her I didn't want to be her friend anymore. But she didn't listen she won't ever listen. She just told me that she didn't mean all the things she said. She even said, ' I don't want to hear you i don't want you and I don't want to see your UGLY face. Please help.