Dear answer girl
i have a problem. i have this friend who is really nice! But when I went to camp she turned away. She stole lots things from me, and from other girls. I am very scared. Please try to help.
Dear Scared,
Have you tried talking to her? If she won't listen to you, or listen to apologies, rip up your letters or discard your emails I think you should let it go. If it goes too far tell your parents. Make sure she doesn't steal anything big. Demand she gives them back. Tell your parents by all means if she won't give you back anything very valuable. If you can talk to her, ask her why she is mad and apologize for anything you might have done to make her mad. If you can't get through to her let it go. Don't hang all over her or follow her like a lost puppy dog. That might be what she wants. If she is willing to do something as mean as what she did she doesn't deserve your attention. Find a new friend. And make sure you don't blame yourself. If you have any more problems with this just ask again and I'll try to help.
I Tried to Help! Signed,
Answer Girl