Friday, December 21, 2007

This Week's Poll

This is the final stats of this weeks's poll!

Have a Pet Dolphin: 14%
Live in a Mansion: 14%
Get A Thirty Dollar Allowance: 28%
Star In a Hip New T.V. Show: 42%

-- Answer Girl

Question 7

Dear Answer Girl,
My parents are always fighting, and I'm afraid they'll get a divorce. Sometimes I can't sleep at night because I'm crying so hard or worrying about it.
Please Help,
Very Scared

Dear Scared,
I almost cried when I heard your question! I am so sorry. Sometimes you just need to talk to people, get your feelings. If you keep them hidden, they are going to get worse and worse until they infect you like a disease. Talk to your siblings (If you have any) and ask what they think. Sometimes empathizing is the best medicine. Speak with your parents, by all means, and tell them your concerns. You may have interpreted wrong. I hope this is of any help!
Signing Off,
Answer Girl

Today's Praise for Ask Away

i love your answers!
-- onetreehillgirl

Thanks! I do my best.
--- Answer Girl

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Question 5

Dear Answer Girl,
I have a friend that I have known for a really long time. She says I'm her best friend, but I'm not so sure about that. I like her, but she's rude, and doesn't respect my privacy. When I ask her not to do somthing, she keeps on. I want to say somthing, but I'm afraid I'll hurt her feelings.What should I do?
Friend Troubles

Dear Friend Troubles,
Your friend doesn't sound much like a very good friend. Good friends are loving, tolerant and considerate. Maybe this a friend you don't need to hang around with. If it bothers you that much, go find new friends. Or maybe if she disrespects your privacy, say kindly, "I don't appreciate that. I feel like you are not respecting me." A real friend would honor that.
Signing Off,
Answer Girl

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Today's Praise For Ask Away

hey, nice blog! keep it up!
--- By Brie

Thanks a lot, Brie!
---- Answer Girl