Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Question #13

How can I nicely tell someone to get a life!
Some Maturity, Please

Dear Maturity, Please,
First, your attitude is no way to win friends and influences. If this person is hurting you physically, get away from them, and tell an adult! Then avoid them at all costs. If it's just a kid acting like a two-year-old, say nicely, "I don't appreciate the way you are acting. It dishonors me. Please stop. Hope I helped!
The Answer Girl


Anonymous said...

Dear Answer Girl,
There is this girl that I think is ridiculous. She runs around yelling loudly, hanging all over me and my guy friends and being rough. How can I tell her before she makes a fool of herself?
Hey, I just
Want to Help

Anonymous said...

Answer Girl,
Do you know where I could get information for a paper on Albert Einstein?

Anonymous said...

Whats Up Answer Girl?
I really don’t know what I want to do with my life. I’m sorta good at math and I like animals. Any suggestions?
With Confusion,
Needing Direction in Life

Anonymous said...

Answer Girl,
I’m really bad at memorizing, but my Science teacher says I’d need to get better at it because we’re going to be doing a lot of memorizing this year. How can I memorize better?
Waiting for your response,
Memorizing Nightmare