Saturday, December 29, 2007

Today's Praise for Ask Away

Hey! I am the numbre one fan of ur blog
---ask away fan

Thanks alot! Remember to send in all your questions!
---Answer Girl

Friday, December 21, 2007

This Week's Poll

This is the final stats of this weeks's poll!

Have a Pet Dolphin: 14%
Live in a Mansion: 14%
Get A Thirty Dollar Allowance: 28%
Star In a Hip New T.V. Show: 42%

-- Answer Girl

Question 7

Dear Answer Girl,
My parents are always fighting, and I'm afraid they'll get a divorce. Sometimes I can't sleep at night because I'm crying so hard or worrying about it.
Please Help,
Very Scared

Dear Scared,
I almost cried when I heard your question! I am so sorry. Sometimes you just need to talk to people, get your feelings. If you keep them hidden, they are going to get worse and worse until they infect you like a disease. Talk to your siblings (If you have any) and ask what they think. Sometimes empathizing is the best medicine. Speak with your parents, by all means, and tell them your concerns. You may have interpreted wrong. I hope this is of any help!
Signing Off,
Answer Girl

Today's Praise for Ask Away

i love your answers!
-- onetreehillgirl

Thanks! I do my best.
--- Answer Girl

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Question 5

Dear Answer Girl,
I have a friend that I have known for a really long time. She says I'm her best friend, but I'm not so sure about that. I like her, but she's rude, and doesn't respect my privacy. When I ask her not to do somthing, she keeps on. I want to say somthing, but I'm afraid I'll hurt her feelings.What should I do?
Friend Troubles

Dear Friend Troubles,
Your friend doesn't sound much like a very good friend. Good friends are loving, tolerant and considerate. Maybe this a friend you don't need to hang around with. If it bothers you that much, go find new friends. Or maybe if she disrespects your privacy, say kindly, "I don't appreciate that. I feel like you are not respecting me." A real friend would honor that.
Signing Off,
Answer Girl

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Today's Praise For Ask Away

hey, nice blog! keep it up!
--- By Brie

Thanks a lot, Brie!
---- Answer Girl

Friday, December 14, 2007

Question #4

Hey Answer Girl,
I LOVE to write books and I have written several children's stories. I would be so,so,so,sooooo happy if I could get any books published. The problem is...."I DON'T KNOW WHERE TO START!" Do you know any publishers or do you have any advice on how to get my books published?
Thank you,
A Fellow Writer

Dear Writer,
First I'll start by saying, a book isn't easy to get published. You may have to edit it, revise it, resend it several times before you get one published. You could start by sending short stories to magazines until people know your name well. Once they do, you can send some books in to get published. A nice resource to find publishers is in Kathy Henderson's book, Market Guide for Young Writers; Where and How to Sell What You Write. You can buy this book from It's a great book, I own it myself. And whatever you do, keep writing and learning!
Answer Girl

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Question 3

Dear Answer Girl,

My little sister and brother are always breaking into my room while I have friends over and annoying me! I tell my mom but she gets tired of dealing with it after a while. How do I get them to stop?

Sibling Trouble

Dear Sibling Trouble,

You little brother and sister are probably annoying you and your friend because they look up to you. This is very common. Try giving them a certain amount of time to play with you and your friend, then make them promise to leave after that. Reward them with stickers and prizes if they do. Your siblings should eventually catch on.

Answer Girl

Question 2

Dear Answer Girl,

My best friend has a new boyfriend, and she now neglects me to spend time with him. I feel like a puppy dog on a leash. How can I get her to snap out of this relationship and notice me?

Neglected In Texas

Dear Neglected,

I think right now there is nothing right and honest you can do to help your friend. Breaking up this relationship could make her mad with you. I think you just need to be a good friend, and when the relationship ends naturally she'll have a shoulder to cry on.

Answer Girl

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Question 1

Dear Answer Girl,

I bite my nails ALL the time! I try polishing them and putting tabasco sauce on them but it doesn't work. Sometimes I bite them without even knowing. I've been biting them for almost three years. Help!

Bad Biter

Dear Bad Biter,

I have struggled with this, also. Try tucking your hands in your pockets, or asking your friends and family to tell you when you are. What I've been doing is keeping small stress balls or bouncy balls around to grab and play with to keep my hands busy when I feel the urge to nibble. P.S: These things take a lot of time. So don't give up the first week, keep working hard!

Answer Girl